Thursday, November 29, 2012


A- snatch balance (nonheaving)- 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1; 2min  135, 150, 160, 165, 170, 175*
175 *epic fail:  *I do curse at the end, i apologize lol
B- hang squat clean- 3, 3, 2, 2; 80%, 2min  185, 205, 235, 255
C- Good am- 3 x3  135x3
10m HS walk
30 KBS 1.5pd
10 C2B pullups
30 push press 75lb
*Last rep of 175 i decided to try for 2.  I didn't lock out my arms or drop fast enough on the 2nd rep and it crashed down hard on my neck, i went forward when it landed on me into the squat rack and the bar tipped to one side and all the plates fell off and finally the bar went off me to the side that still had plates.  Have a HUGE bruise on the entire back of my neck.  Live and learn.  Have it on video, might put it up so people can see what epic fail looks like lol.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


20 Minute EMOTM:
5 KB Jerk Right arm 2pd
5 KB Jerk Left arm  2pd
Complete, much easier than last time.
100 Sit Ups @ 2020  Unbroken
60s max AD cals; 35
2:30 min rest on rower at 50%  1:59.1 pace
45s max AD cals 27
2:30 min rest on rower at 60%  1:55.3 pace
30s max AD cals 20
2:30 min rest on rower at 70%  1:52.5 pace
15s max AD cals 13
2:30min row at 80%  1:47.8 pace
Felt really beat up going into this in general.  Shoulders were actually pretty sore from yesterday and legs continue to be pretty sore since this weekend.  In general very happy with how everything felt, esp the first part.  KB work has gotten so much better since June.  Time to rest up for tomorrow, hoping for some prs on saturday but first gotta get recovered :).

Tuesday, November 27, 2012


alt EMOM x12min
1- 5 FS heavy  275, ub
2- 5 BP heavy  215x3 sets, 185x3 sets all ub
alt EMOM x12min
1- 3 PS 185  Complete all singles
2- 3 MU (try to stay as strict as possible)  Complete, ub
alt EMOM x12
1- 15 wall balls  Complete, ub
2- 15 push jerk 95  Complete 4 ub sets, 2 sets 12/3
alt EMOM x12
1- 30 air squats  Complete
2- 30 DU Complete ub

This was incredibly hard!  Funnnnnnnnnnn, but rough! 

Sunday, November 25, 2012


RDL ladder
10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
60s rest between sets… goal is heavier loads ea set.
235, 255, 275, 295, 315, 335, 345, 355, 365, 385
10 rounds, on 2min
10 2.5pd KB goblet squats  Unbroken
20s AD  122 cals total, no rollover

Saturday, November 24, 2012


part 1
16 55lb DB snatch 55lb (8R/8L)
14 55lb DB thruster 55lb (7R/7L)
12 DB swing, 55lb
10 strict pullups
part 2
20min run 80%
2.55 miles on treadmill w/1.5 incline

Low back was tight at end of part 1 and during part 2, hopefully it'll loosen up for tomorrow.

Thursday, November 22, 2012


A- high hang power snatch x1 / hh squat snatch x1 EMOM x10  195x2, 185x3, 190x3, 200x2 (200 was a pr for hhps)
B- 3 position clean moderate load, EMOM x10  235x1, 240x8 (took the 8th minute off)
C- Close Grip Bench Press- 8/ 8/ 6/  2min rest  225, 225, 230
D- Seated Behind Neck Press- 8 / 8/ 8, 2min rest  115x3
Video's will be uploaded tomorrow for A and B, forgot camera at the gym.  Happy thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


3 sets/rounds
with 95lb barbell
8 barbell row
8 push press
8 barbell curls
1:11, 1:18, 1:20
rest 30s
AMRAP strict pullups  13, 11, 11
+ (full recovery)
10 OHS 135
15 WB 2/1's
25 DU
7:16, OHS all ub, DU all ub, WB 2/1's a disaster.
I know it said "full recovery" but didn't have time for that today.  Rested about 15 minutes but part 1 BLEW UP my whole upper body.  Shoulders/arms were fried, so even with the 15 minute rest it wasn't enough to recover fully.  Glad i was able to go UB on everything but wb's however wb's were a mess.  Did those in sets of 5's and 3's.  Just didn't have the energy for the speed needed to do that 2nd squat.  When I think about it though, total of 90 squats in the 2/1's and 30 on OHS (120 squats) my time doesn't seem as embarassing as I thought originally.  Forward and onward either way :).

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


A1- Front Squat x2 @ 1RM SC +10lb AFAP, 30s; 5 sets  325x4 sets, 330 (PR 2) on last set
A2- 5 jump over 30" box, 120s rest; 5 sets  unbroken/fast
1st set @ 325:
Last set @ 330:
B1- OH barbell lunge x3ea, 30s, 5 sets  165lb all sets
B2- 1-3 chest to wall parallette HSPU, 120s; 5 sets  3 reps all sets
First Set:
Last Set:
C- EMOM x10min - 3 2.5pd KB Snatch each arm Complete/unbroken
D- 25 strict toes to bar for form  12/6/7

Sunday, November 18, 2012


5min AD Z1  76 cals
20 rounds:
30s 85% AD Cals 
30s 50% AD Cals
170 cals @ 10 minutes
351 cals @ finish
5min AD Z1  78 cals
20 minute EMOTM 3 Unbroken Muscle Ups  Complete, did 5 on 20th minute.
Sets 17-20:

Saturday, November 17, 2012


part 1:
for time:
10 KBS 2.5pd
15 burpees
250m row
15 burpees
10 KBS 2.5pd
part 2:
10 thrusters 135lb
15 wall ball 2 for 1
20 C2B pullups
15 wall ball 2 for 1
10 thrusters 135lb
part 3:
rest:work- 3:1
800m row  1:38.5/500m
400m row  1:36.9/500m
200m row 1:33.7/500m

Thursday, November 15, 2012


A- Clean grip DL- build to a tough 3  415 x 3, 445 x 1 No belt today, felt good.
B- high hang clean x2, 5 sets, 2min  185, 215, 235, 255, 275 (1, failed 2nd in catch)
C- Push jerk x1, split jerk x1 80% RPE EMOM x10  200lbs, probably 65% RPE
D- Press- 5, 3, 1, 1, 1; 2min rest  Skipped, no time class was coming in
20 Minute emotm 4 strict HSPU  Complete, did a set of 20 strict afterwards so 100 total
5 rounds:
20 Second AD Sprint
2min rest b/w sets
Calories: 22, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21
chest to wall handstand hold for max time  1:48

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


5 rounds
5 FS heavy  280 for all sets, all unbroken
10 burpee broad jumps  Steady movement all totals over 70ft
5 Muscle Ups  UB/UB/2-2-1/3-2/4-1
work:rest 1:1
1:37, 1:41, 2:24, 2:19, 2:06 Total time w/ rests 18:08
for time:
75 toes to bar
7:09, tougher than expected.

Notes:  Front squats felt SUPER heavy today.  First set was a struggle, wasn't sure I was going to get through all 5 but managed.  Hit 7ish ft every broad jump, sometimes a little more sometimes a little less.  Covered my whole gym twice (35 ft x 2) at least per round.  Muscle ups got tough on round 3, my chest was fatigued from the burpees and lost it mentally.  Wanted unbroken final round but didn't have it.  This and the hang clean/AD session from saturday were 2 of the hardest sessions in a while.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


A- snatch high pulls- 3 x3, 2min rest  235 x 3
B- high hang snatch x2, 5 sets, build ea set, 2min rest  155, 170, 185, 195, 205
C- Clean & Jerk- 80%RPE x1, EMOM x10 253lbs (315*0.8) Last 2 minutes did 1 every 30 seconds.
10 rounds on 2min
10 KB C&J 1.5pd ea  ubx4, 7/3, 6/4x3, 8/2
10s AD Cals  Forgot to write down, every set between 6-11

Sunday, November 11, 2012


10 Rounds for time:
1 Rope Climb 16.5"
+ Rest 7 Minutes
alternate EMOM x20min
60s air squats
60s Airdyne
Airdyne: 203 Calories total
Squats: 320 Squats total
+ Rest 7 Minutes
10 Rounds for time:
1 Rope Climb 16.5"

Saturday, November 10, 2012


4 rounds
8 HPC 225lb  225, 225, 225 (6), 185
30s AD Cals 21, 16, 16, 16
3min rest
4 rounds
8 DL 315lb  Fast/unbroken/easy
30s burpee broad jump for distance    80ft, 70ft, 74ft, 84ft
3min rest
4 rounds
8 BW shoulder to overhead  Fast/unbroken/easy
30s row for meters  158, 163, 166, 171
3min rest

Friday, November 9, 2012


Supposed to be active recovery today so I decided to do OCTD wod 1 at a steady pace.  Round 1 was unbroken after that broke it up whenever i felt like it lol.  Didn't want to make it hurt that bad so when it started to get painful I just dropped it and took a few breaths to recoup..same thing on DU broke them when I was starting to "hurt."  Never redlined and feel good afterwards so think I kept it at a legit pace for "active recovery"

10 Minute AMRAP:
15 Power Clean 95
30 Double Unders

7 + 15 + 3...12 more seconds and woulda been 8 even lol.


Thursday, November 8, 2012


200 DU  1:52 unbroken
20 TGU 1.5pd  3:32
200 DU  1:59 2 trips, 140 unbroken
20 wall walks  2:26
200 DU  2:02 84 unbroken then very broken

Part 2:

30 Minute easy spin on A.D.

275 cals.  Had an hour before my chiro came and adjusted me so easy spinned/foam rolled.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


A- Front squat x3 EMOM x10  285
B- Push Jerk x2, 5 sets, 2min  135, 185, 235, 255, 265
C- build to a heavy thruster, no more than 15min  260 (-10 on pr), jumped to 275 after to try and pr but failed.
for time:
12/ 9/ 6
155lb back squat
155lb OHS
155lb shoulder to overhead
7:20...this sucked! 

Front squats took alot out of me.  This was 90% of my 3RM so might have been a little heavy but i maintained speed throughout so not sure.  Made the Push Jerks and Thrusters way worse than expected.  No Pr's there today but I know on a different day i'd have alot more in the tank.  Part 2 was terrible.  I was pretty spent going into this one for whatever reason.  Did the back squats right into OHS unbroken first round.  After that did back squats, dropped it, power snatched and went into OHS.  All back squats and overhead squats were unbroken though, so that was a win.  S2O very broken.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


A- Snatch Grip DL x3 EMOM x8  275, hurt hands more than anything else
B1- Seated good am x5, 3 sets, 45s 150, 170, 170...all for 8 reps (misread)
B2- seated bb press x6-8, 3 sets, 45s  150 for 8, 7, 7
B3- weighted pistol x6-8 (3-4ea), 3 sets, 45s  All 8 reps w/35lb KB
B4- weighted ring dip x3-5, 3 sets, 45s  103 (4, 3 reps), 88 (3 reps)
10 rounds on 90s
30s row  1529m total.  165, 161, 160, 151, 152, 152, 152, 150, 130**, 155
10 pullups  All strict and all broken minus first set (which was ub)

**Strapped into the rower late, the interval had already started.  Only had 0:26 to row instead of 0:30.

Sunday, November 4, 2012


3 sets:
30s push press 95lbs  26, 23, 23 all unbroken
30s GHD situps  13, 12, 11 all unbroken
30s bench press 135lbs  15, 14, 11
30s BJ 24"  14, 12, 12 all unbroken
30s pullups 20, 19, 19 all unbroken
30s squat 135lbs  10, 10, 9 all unbroken
30s rest
Row 250m afap  46.4, 46.6, 48.2
10min rest
Everything done on a running clock so this is including transition time.

Saturday, November 3, 2012


part 1
A- good am- x5, 3 sets, 2min rest  165, 170, 175
B- bulgarian split squats @ 2020 x5ea, 3 sets, 2min rest  175, 185, 200
C- GH Raises x5, 3 sets, 2min rest  45lb plate for all sets

part 2
5 rounds
50m swim
25 pushups
25 squats

About a month ago did 5 rounds of 50m swim 25 squats 15 HR push ups in 12:55, 7 secs slower today but 50 more push ups just not HR.  Think that shows improvement.

Thursday, November 1, 2012


A- Hang Squat Clean- 2/ 2/ 2/ 1/ 1/ 1, 2min  260, 275, 285(PR2), 295(PR1), 305X, 305X
B- Hang Power Snatch- 2/ 2/ 2/ 1/ 1/ 1, 2min  165, 175, 185, 190, 195, 200X (This needs alot of work in the catch portion)
Row- 500m, 2min rest x5  1:39.8, 1:39.5, 1:39.7, 1:39.3, 1:39.0 (Had a personal goal of each row being under 1:40 so started out a little conservative to ensure this happened).
5/ 10/ 15/ 20/ 15/ 10/ 5
kbs 2pd
8:24 Total Grip Thrasher