Back Squat- 10 x 10 on 2min [50% 1RM] Complete @ 205
Felt sick last night, headache/stomach ache...woke up and still didn't feel great. Somewhere around the 3rd set of the row though the dayquil kicked in and i've been feeling much better. I took it too easy on the row unfortunately, didn't want to push it too hard if I was getting sick so I set a goal of under 1:40. Last set I let myself go a true 90-95% and almost went sub 1:38...I think I could have been around 1:38.5-1:39.0 each set. Either way for how I felt I'm very happy with how part 1 went today. Legs were super lactic after the 4th set of AD sprints!
Since yesterday morning I have had trouble getting up and down the legs are sore! Not only my quads but my hamstrings and low back. Looking back at saturday though, it was a lot of volume. 150 wallball, 150 DU, 225 KBS 2pd, 75 ghraises, 75ghdsu, 50TGU. At first my score confused me but honestly with how I feel I think this was a good effort. After reading an article by CFF about resting being the deciding factor between the elite and semi-elite athlete I know that this was as perfect stimulus for the day. Sure it's only 15 minutes but my body needs to recover from the weekend still as I can tell by the soreness. Instead of being frustrated with my score i'm just happy I got some good grunt work in. I can tell I'm where I need to be for the open from the last 2 weeks so no need to fret over 1 day.
A1. Power Clean Cluster Rest 30 seconds 275, 280, 280
A2. Strict HSPU 10 unbroken rest 30 seconds Complete
A3. GHD Sit ups 10 unbroken rest 3 minutes x 3 sets Complete Full set @ 275: Last cluster @ 280:
At sustainable pace:
10 Minute Airdyne 138 calories in 7:15
10 Minute Row 1:53.3/500m avg, 2548m
10 Minute Airdyne 145 calories in 8:00
10 Minute Row 1:54.8/500m, 2498m
Airdyne monitor reset at 2:45 on first 10 minutes and then at 2:00 on 2nd 10 minutes. Was holding 1050-1250 on first 10 minutes and 950-1150 on last 10 minutes. Kept it on cal/hr so didn't see calories till the end which is why it says the calories and time the monitor was on. Really happy about power cleans..haven't power cleaned heavy in a couple months and wasn't sure what to expect. Elbow felt good once it got warmed up and happy with the weight. Could have done 285-295 but didn't want to push it today, just wanted to feel some heavy weight. Did this raw, no belt or knee wraps or anything. Lifetime PR power clean is 295.
Build to a 1 one rep in the Snatch 230, missed 245 5 times...very close though. 245:
A. Snatch Grip Deadlift @ 41x1 3 reps x 5 sets 285 for all sets.
For time:
200 KBS 1.5 pd
Start with 3 burpees and perform 3 burpees at the top of every minute 10:19, 195 reps @ 10:00 Vid:
After yesterdays session started feeling sick. Haven't slept well the past 2 days....and biceps/lats are soooo sore still. Not sure if i'm just really smashed from the 324 pull ups wednesday or if I am possibly getting sick. Either way didn't have it today, took 30 minutes to warm up and almost just left and went home. Decided I wasn't going to feel like doing it later and I had already warmed up so just hit it. Should be able to get right under 10 on something like this but not today, not meant to PR or have great times everyday though...grunt work!
Part 1:
For time:
Airdyne Calories
Unbroken Double Unders 8:26, tripped @ 25 on set of 40 DU..20 second waste of time. Vid:
Rest 15 Minutes
For time:
1-3-5-7-9 Power Snatches
9-7-5-3-1 Overhead Squats 3:05 Vid:
Rest 15 Minutes
5 Minute AMRAP @ 90% (pace testing)
15 KBS 2pd
15 Burpees 3+15, easy pace, could have held this for at least another 5 minutes.
Part 2:
30 Minute Recovery Row 1:57.9/500m, 7632m, 15 s/m the whole time. HR @ 138 40 seconds post row
Really happy with today in general. Would have been right at 8 flat if i hadn't tripped on the set of 40. Wanted sub 3 on the 2nd one but legs didn't have it after airdyne. Most pleased with the 5 minute amrap...breathing was completely controlled and burpees were easy. Only thing was shoulders/traps starting to get lactic on swings but could have held that pace for at least another 5 minutes...would have probably broke swings into 10/5 after that but definitely thinking I have 9ish+ rounds on the 15 minute amrap when it pops up (on a good day).
20s AD Cals 13, 13, 14, 13 Everything was TNG and unbroken throughout.
part 2
10 sets on 90s
30s Arms only airdyne 14, 11, 11, 11, 11, 9, 10, 9, 9, 11 = 106 total
10 Ball Slams 30lb Complete
For the BN jerk I am just not comfortable with dropping it down on my back. Was able to be careful and do it with 275 but after my first 1 at 285 just didn't have the confidence to drop it back onto my back. Think i'd be putting up much, much more weight with jerk blocks. Arms and lats were blown up after part 2.
Whole body is sooooo sore today. Was happy to hit 190 and it went really smooth, could have gone higher I think if low back wasn't so tight today....didn't want to push it. Missed 1 snatch on minute 7? Took a second and then picked it up and hit the normal 2 so didn't go any minute with "misses".
Part 1: Traps/posterior chain sore going into this. Felt great until halfway through 135 when my back started to lock up. Got through 175 at 10 minutes on the dot. 215 was just way too slow, took too many breaks because of my back. Should have had 81-83 reps on this one.
3 Rounds for time:
30 KBS 2pood ub/24-6/14-6-5-5
30 Airdyne Calories 8:22...had sub 8 till last set of kbs..broke into 4 sets.
Rest 10 Minutes
3 Rounds for time:
20 Burpees
20 Wallball 5:29
Rest 10 minutes
10 Minutes of "cindy" 14 + 5
Went out last night and a had a total of 3 beers from 11 - 2 AM. Woke up at 6 AM with a crazy hangover for some reason. Didn't feel right this morning so just rode the airdyne. Even when I worked out later at night wasn't feeling "good" and learn I can drink 0 alcohol lol.