A. Every 30 seconds 1 Power Snatch for 12 Minutes, increase weight each 3 minutes.
185, 190, 195, 200, then hit one at 205 and 215
B. 1. 3x7 back squats . rest 2:00. 355 for 2 sets of 7 then 1 set of 5
2. 3x14 chest to bar pull ups. rest 2:00 unbroken
C. 1. 12-9-6
hang power snatch 115#
lateral burpee over the bar
--4:00 rest--
2. 12-9-6
clean and jerk 115#
ring dips (On high rings, muscle up into them)
--4:00 rest--
3. 12-9-6
overhead squats 115#
hand release push ups
A. 3 rounds, not for time
200m row
10 handstand push ups (5 strict, 5 kipping)
B. shoulder to overhead complex (5x1), rest 1:30.
1 strict press + 2 push press + 3 push jerk
205, 210, 215, 220, 227.5 (PR Press)
C. EMOTM x 20 total sets (10 each)
odd- 7 thrusters 55lb db/hand
even- 10 toes to bar
Complete unbroken
D. 4 rounds
6 muscle ups
30 walking lunges
30 double unders
A. E2MOTM x 10 sets (20 total minutes)
125m row
3 TNG Cleans @ 225
B. 10 Minute AMRAP:
20 Calorie Airdyne
200m Row
5 Rounds even
C1. 18 Unbroken KBS 88lb rest 10 seconds
C2. 9 Unbroken Strict HSPU rest 2 minutes x 3 sets
40 Minute easy airdyne, Every 4 minutes 8 Ring Push Ups into 20 seconds FLR
A. 1. Back squats (3x7) rest 2:00. 365 for 2 sets of 7, 1 set of 5
2. wall walks (3x4), nose to wall, rest 2:00 easy
B. wall ball ladder
1. 50 wall balls, rest 1:00
2. 40 wall balls, rest :50
3. 30 wall balls, rest :40
2. 20 wall balls, rest :30
5. 10 wall balls
9 (turns 9 today) rounds:
11 (month) pull ups
8 (day) burpees
4 (year of birth) deadlifts @ 305
500m Row @ 1:38
3:00 rest
500m Row @ 1:40
2:30 Rest
500m Row @ 1:42
x 3 total sets (9 rows)
A. snatch cluster (5 sets), rest 1:30
snatch 1.1.1 (rest :20 between reps)
185, 195, 205, 210, 215(1,F,F)
B. clean and jerk clusters (5 sets), rest 1:30
clean 1.1.1 (rest :20-30 between reps) + jerk (after 3rd rep only)
265, 275, 290, 300 (2 cleans + 1 jerk ties lifetime PR for 1RM power clean)
C. for time:
5 hang power cleans 225#/155#
10 deficit (5") parallette handstand push ups
15 alternating kb snatch 70#/53#
20 alternating weighted pistols 53#/35#
25 calorie AD
---REST 6:00---
for time:
10 hang power cleans 205#/135#
15 deficit (5") handstand push ups
20 alternating db snatch 70#/50#
25 goblet squats 70#/53#
30 calorie AD
---REST 9:00---
for time:
15 hang power cleans 135#/105#
20 strict handstand push ups (Regional standards)
25 alternating kb snatch 53#/35#
30 back squats 135#/95#
35 calorie AD
Don't remember
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