Tweaked my knee doing the squat/box jump intervals the week before this so decided on taking it easy on squats. Was also feeling very tired tuesday so kind of went off on what I was supposed to do this week (sorry garry!). Hopefully back on track this week.
10 Minute AMRAP @ 85%:
10 calorie Airdyne
3 Wall Walks
20 Double Unders
8 + 7
Rest 5 Minutes
10 Minute AMRAP @ 85%
5 SA KB Thrustr 55/35 right
5 SA KB Thrustr 55/35 left
5 CTB Pull Ups
10 Sit Ups
9 even
Alternating EMOTM 20 Minutes:
1st: 5 TNG Power Snatch 160lbs
2nd: 1 muscle up into 1 dip x 3 reps
Right into Alternating EMOTM 20 Minutes:
1st: 25 second FLR on rings
2nd: 6 HSPU Strict
Right into Alternating Every 30 seconds for 4 minutes (8 sets)
1st: 8 Toes to Bar
2nd: 8 KBS 55lb
A. Jerk 3x3 265, 275, 295 (1, felt my knee tweak again so shut it down)
EMOTM 12 Minutes:
14 Burpees to 6" Target
Complete, tough/
For time:
500m row, 10 overhead squats 145, 15 ghd sit ups
400m row, 8 overhead squats 145#/105#, 12 ghd sit ups
300m row, 6 overhead squats 145#/105#, 9 ghd sit ups
200m row, 4 overhead squats 145#/105#, 6 ghd sit up
100m row, 2 overhead squats 145#/105#, 3 ghd sit ups
12:32, knee felt ok strangely...kept cracking but no sharp pain like on the last jerk.
20 Minutes airdyne
30s 90-95%
30s walk
380 calories
Right into 10 minute airdyne
30s 75%
30s walk
Finished the 30 minutes at 515 calories, took minute '21' off and just walked so only did 9 minutes easyish as a cool down.
OCTD wod 3
6 rds
Rest 2 minutes
2 Minute row for meters
Rest 2 Minutes
Jump Squats
Alternating KB Snatch 55
Rest 2 Minutes
2 Minute row for meters
EMOTM 20 Minutes
1st: 8 TNG Deadlift 265lb
2nd: 8 GHD Situps first 10 minutes 8 Toes to bar 2nd 10 minutes
(Broke my GHD somehow...)
5 sets:
500m Row @ 1:38
Rest 2 Minutes
250m Row @ 1:35
Rest 2 Minutes
A1. Press 1.1.1 rest 15 seconds rest 2 Minutes x 3 sets 205, 210, 212.5
A2. AMRAP Weighted CTB Pull Ups 55lb x 3 sets 6, 6, 7
B. EMOTM Alternating 12 minutes
1st: 5 TNG Power Clean 205
2nd: 10 calorie airdyne 7 pull ups
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