Friday, November 29, 2013


Part 1:
10 sets:
250m Row
Rest 45 seconds
1 minute airdyne
rest 45 seconds
Complete, changed up pace on rower, 1:34-1:42 depending on how i felt, never redlined though.  Airdyne was always around 1200 cals/hour.

Part 2:
Put together new GHD

Part 3:
6 sets:
10 GHD sit ups, alternate with partner each set
2 sets:
20 GHD Sit ups, alternate with partner each set
4 sets:
20 Unbroken wallball
10 HR Push Ups while partner completes wallball
Tired today, usually my rest day but decided to work out with Andrew.  He was nice enough to grab the GHD and help put it together and i thought it would be fun to get a partner thing in.  Over all pretty tired but have a big dinner coming up and hopefully a massage which should get me ready for the next 2 days before I take Monday completely off.  

Thursday, November 28, 2013


Part 1:
5 sets:
1000m Row
Rest 4 minutes
Start at 1k PR pace + 0:23/500m decrease by 0:05 per set
Did 3:34.9, 3:30.1 and 3:28.8 and then called it.  The last one was a huge struggle.  Sat down to do the 4th one and got 500m in with a 1:40 pace but was dying so just stopped.  Shouldn't have been so hard but it was my 3rd session in 19 hours and I didn't eat after my 10 PM session last night.  Time for lots of food and a revisit tonight.

Part 2:
A. Hang Clean + Front Squat + Full Clean x 6 sets rest 2 minutes 215, 235, 245, 255, 265, 280
3 Rounds for time:
1 Full Snatch @ bodyweight (195)
6 HSPU 8" Deficit
21 Box Jumps  
5:33, failed my 3rd snatch barely and cost me 30+ seconds. 

Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Part 1:
A. Airdyne 25 Minutes:
30 seconds hard
30 seconds easy
Right into
5 Minute airdyne @ 70-80% (Cooldown)
493 calories @ 25 minutes, 585 calories @ 30 minutes

Rest 5 Minutes

EMOTM 12 Minutes:
1st: 3 Rope Climbs
2nd: 12 Toes to bar
Rest 1 Minutes
EMOTM 8 Minutes
1st: 2 Rope Climbs (Did 3 on last set)
2nd: 10 toes to bar
Complete, 27 rope climbs and 112 toes to bar in 21 minutes.

Part 2:
A. 7x2 Push Press rest 2:30 (build each set) 215, 235, 245, 255, 265, 275 (1), 280 (1)
B. For time:
100' FC 70lb one hand 88lb the other
30 KBS 55
15 Bar Muscle Ups
100' FC
20 KBS
10 Bar MUP
100' FC
10 KBS
5 Bar MUP
100' FC

Was so close to 2 reps on both 275 and 280, maybe an inch from locking out but since I wasn't wearing a belt and i was feeling my back pull i dropped it instead of grinding it out.  Video to come.  Rested 4 hours between parts 1 and 2.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013


a) 3x10 back squats (add 10# per set from last week). rest 1:30. 255
    3x15 ring push ups (feet higher than the rings). rest 1:30. ub
b) 4x1 back squats (heavy). rest 2:00.  345, 365, 385, 400
c) 7x1 snatch @ 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 90%+. rest 1:30 155, 165, 180, 195, 205, 215, stopped.
For time:
250m Row
15 KBS 2pd
25 Burpee
15 KBS 2pd
250m Row

Felt awful today.  Had a bunch of different stuff planned conditioning wise but had zero pop today.  Two weeks ago did 375x5 on backsquat, today doing that for 1 was tough.  Barely put up 400 when I thought i'd be way above it.  Failed my first snatch at 195, hit the rest but they felt super heavy today, stopped at 215 cause I barely got that.  Was going to do squat cleans/burpee box jumps/overhead squats/ctb pull ups/airdyne/wallball for conditioning but literally was drained today.  Sat around for 15 minutes after the squats and snatch thinking about how it was an awful training day and I had nothing left.  So I decided to do something short and sweet.  I know if I was feeling good I could be under 3:45 so when I went over 4:00 I cut that short even though I had planned to repeat x 3 with 10 minute rests.  Heres to hoping tomorrow is a better day!

Sunday, November 24, 2013


Row 6500m @ easy pace 1:58.6/500m easy

A. 10:00 to work to a 80ish% snatch single 215, easy.
B. 10:00 to work to a 80ish% clean and jerk single 275 easy
C.  3 Rounds for time
       4 hang squat snatch 155lb
       6 parallette hspu w/ 5" deficit
       9 alternating pistols
       5:00 rest
D. 3 rounds for time
       3 muscle ups
       5 overhead squats 155/110
       7 hang power cleans 155/110

Went 6 days in a row this week, haven't done that in quite some time.  Body was VERY VERY sore this morning.  Hard to get out of bed, didn't even think i'd be able to row.  Scaled the PM workout since I wasn't feeling it, everything I did do felt good though. 

Saturday, November 23, 2013


Part 1:
10 Minute Airdyne:
30 Seconds 90%
30 Seconds easy
Rest 3 Minutes x 3 sets
210, 206, 204 calories

Part 2:
A. 3x10 front squats Light-Moderate, rest 1:00. 205lbs
     3x10 strict supinated ring rows, rest 1:30. Unbroken
       5 rounds, rest 3:00 between rounds.
       5 deadlifts 345#
       15 pull ups
       3 deadlifts 345#
       9 pull ups
       1 deadlift 345#
       3 pull ups

1:32, 1:33, 1:42, 1:42, 1:49

Part 3:
A. Press Cluster @ 12X2 2.2.2 rest 15 seconds x 3 sets rest 3 minutes 175, 185, 195 (2.2.1)
B. 10 Minute EMOTM 2 TNG Power Clean 2 Push Jerk 60-75% Started at 205, finished at 250
C. 50 Toes to bar for time, every time you break 30 double unders 2:07

Haven't used a belt still in a while, back is tight basically everyday but midline is definitely improving. 


A. AD 5:00 @ 75% 104 cals
    -1:00 rest-
     row 300m @ 1000m + :20 1:56
    -1:00 rest-
     AD 4:00 @ 80% 89 cals
    -1:00 rest-
     row 300m @ 1000m + :15 1:51
    -1:00 rest-
     AD 3:00 @ 85% 74
    -1:00 rest-
      row 300m @ 1000m + :10 1:46
    -1:00 rest-
      AD 2:00 @ 90%  52 cals
    -1:00 rest-
      row 300m @ 1000m + :05 1:41
    -1:00 rest-
      AD 1:00 @ 95% 31 cals
    -1:00 rest-
      row 300m @ 1000m pace 1:35


A. 5x2 power clean (drop and go each rep). rest 2:00.  255, 265, 275, 285, 295
B. For time:
     25 wall balls
     25 ghd sit ups
     30' handstand walk
     20 wall balls
     20 Toes to bar
     30' handstand walk
     15 wall balls
     15 Toes to bar
     30' handstand walk
     10 wall balls
     10 Toes to bar
     30' handstand walk
      5 wall balls
      5 Toes to bar
     30' handstand walk
C. 5 Minutes row @ 1:56
     Rest 2 Minutes
     2:30 Row @ 1:50


A. 7x3 strict press (progressive). rest 1:30. Finished at 205 (PR for 3?)
B. EMOTM x 14:00.
        odd- 15 box jumps 24/20
       even- 15 kb swings 70/53
Unbroken, rebounded BJ's all <30s
C. "Duke"
       27 (my age) toes to bar
       11 (month) squat cleans @ bodyweight
       20 (day) shoulder to overhead @ bodyweight
       86 (year) burpees
Done at 192.5lbs, 11:23
D.EMOTM 10 minutes 6 second airdyne sprint  103 cals, peaked at 5200 cals/minute. Let it rollover each time..

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


A. 7x1 snatch @ 65%, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 90+. rest 1:30.
Just did a ton of snatching, basically did this twice.  First worked up to any ugly 220 then worked up to 230, failed it a few times and then hit a nice power snatch at 230.
B. 1. 3x10 back squat (+10# each set from last week), rest 1:00  235
     2. 3x20 push ups, rest 1:30 unbroken
C. 5:00 amrap
       12 thrusters 95/65
       12 chest to bar pull ups
3 + 15, elbow did not like thrusters, aggrevated it.  CTB kip not where it was.
    --rest 2:00--
     3 rounds
       12 squat snatch 115#
       12 ring dips
    --rest 3:00--
     5:00 amrap
       10 deadlifts 225/155
       10 AD cals
4 Rounds even

Monday, November 18, 2013


45 Minute easy airdyne
every 4:30 get off and complete:
5 Front Squat 185
10 Sit Ups
30 Second FLR on Rings
Complete, totalled 504 calories

A. Snatch 1.1.1 x 4 sets rest 2 minutes 185, 195, 205, 215(1.1.X)
B. Clean and Jerk 1.1.1 x 4 sets rest 2 minutes 255, 265, 275, 285
4 Minute amrap:
4 Muscle Ups
6 strict HSPU
8 Burpees
3 Rounds
rest 3 minutes
6 minute amrap
4 Hang Power Snatch 135
8 Toes to bar
12 row calories
3 + 17
rest 3 minutes
6 Minute amrap:
6 KBS 88lb
8 DB Push Press 55lb/hand
12 Calories airdyne
3 + 14

Saturday, November 16, 2013


Row 1k @ Z2  3:29.9
Row 500m @ 1:37
walk rest 3 minuets
x 4 sets 1:36.9, 1:36.5, 1:37.2, 1:37.6
Row 1k Cooldown/easy 3:44.8

A1. 3-5 Back Squat @ 375 x 3 sets rest 1:30 5 @ 370, 5 @ 375, 3 @ 375
A2. 10 Ring Rows x 3 sets rest 3 minutes Unbroken
4 Rounds for time:
50 Double Unders
15 Burpees
200m Row

5 sets:
30 Lateral hops over bar
20 Hand Release Push Ups
10 Deadlift 275
Rest 3 minutes
67, 65, 63, 61, 62 seconds


20 Minute airdyne:
30 Seconds 85%
30 Seconds 50%
380 calories

A. EMOTM shoulder to overhead complex (x10 total minutes)
        1 strict press + 2 push press + 3 push jerk @ 70% of last week's heaviest set 160lbs
B. EMOTM work (x20 total minutes- x10 each exercise)
        odd- 15 box jumps 24/20
       even- 6 deficit (7"/5") handstand push ups

All unbroken, bj rebounding and done <30 seconds
C. conditioning
       3 rounds
           7 muscle ups
          21 wall balls 

4:40 muscle ups were ub x 2 sets then 4/3 


A. EMOTM Power Snatch Ladder 3 TNG unbroken reps start at 95 and add 10lbs/minute 205
B1. 3x10 Back Squat rest 1:30 225
B2. 3x14 CTB Pull Ups rest 1:00 Unbroken
C. Conditioning
5 Amrap:
5 Power Clean 155
10 Toes to Bar
5 + 5
Rest 2:00
5 Amrap:
5 Overhead Squat 155
1 Muscle Up into 10 Ring Dips

Rest 2:00
5 Thrusters 55lb DB/Hand
10 Cal Airdyne
4 + 5

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Was supposed to do a lot of snatch/barbell MM work but CP system is fatigued and I am still super sore from the weekend so did an aerobic tester.

For time 30-25-20-15-10-5
Airdyne Cals

I have been trying to just 'listen to my body' for the past few weeks.  I have a lot of micro/nagging injuries and don't really want to take any extended time off.  Also work 12-15 hour days with commuting depending if I train my 1 on 1 client in the mornings (at 5 AM).  So lack of sleep/rest with the heavy work load has been stressful.  Not to mention business at the gym is down which is also stressful, but I only want people that want to be there and as long as I have a few good clients I am trying to stay a happy camper.  Pleased that I'm seeing results with everything going on!

11/5 - 11/11

A. Every 30 seconds 1 Power Snatch for 12 Minutes, increase weight each 3 minutes.
185, 190, 195, 200, then hit one at 205 and 215
B. 1. 3x7 back squats . rest 2:00. 355 for 2 sets of 7 then 1 set of 5
     2. 3x14 chest to bar pull ups. rest 2:00  unbroken
C. 1. 12-9-6
         hang power snatch 115#
         lateral burpee over the bar
       --4:00 rest--
     2. 12-9-6
         clean and jerk 115#
         ring dips (On high rings, muscle up into them)
       --4:00 rest--
     3. 12-9-6
         overhead squats 115#
         hand release push ups

A. 3 rounds, not for time
       200m row
       10 handstand push ups (5 strict, 5 kipping)

B. shoulder to overhead complex (5x1), rest 1:30.
       1 strict press + 2 push press + 3 push jerk

205, 210, 215, 220, 227.5 (PR Press)
C. EMOTM x 20 total sets (10 each)
       odd- 7 thrusters 55lb db/hand
      even- 10 toes to bar

Complete unbroken
D. 4 rounds
       6 muscle ups
      30 walking lunges
      30 double unders


A. E2MOTM x 10 sets (20 total minutes)
        125m row
        3 TNG Cleans @ 225

B. 10 Minute AMRAP:
20 Calorie Airdyne
200m Row
5 Rounds even
C1. 18 Unbroken KBS 88lb rest 10 seconds
C2. 9 Unbroken Strict HSPU rest 2 minutes x 3 sets

 40 Minute easy airdyne, Every 4 minutes 8 Ring Push Ups into 20 seconds FLR 

A. 1. Back squats (3x7) rest 2:00. 365 for 2 sets of 7, 1 set of 5
     2. wall walks (3x4), nose to wall, rest 2:00 easy
B. wall ball ladder
     1. 50 wall balls, rest 1:00
     2. 40 wall balls, rest :50
     3. 30 wall balls, rest :40
     2. 20 wall balls, rest :30
     5. 10 wall balls

     9 (turns 9 today) rounds:
         11 (month) pull ups
          8 (day) burpees
          4 (year of birth) deadlifts @ 305


500m Row @ 1:38
3:00 rest
500m Row @ 1:40
2:30 Rest
500m Row @ 1:42
x 3 total sets (9 rows)

A. snatch cluster (5 sets), rest 1:30
        snatch 1.1.1 (rest :20 between reps)
185, 195, 205, 210, 215(1,F,F)
B. clean and jerk clusters (5 sets), rest 1:30
        clean 1.1.1 (rest :20-30 between reps) + jerk (after 3rd rep only)
265, 275, 290, 300 (2 cleans + 1 jerk ties lifetime PR for 1RM power clean)
C. for time:
       5 hang power cleans 225#/155#
      10 deficit (5") parallette handstand push ups
      15 alternating kb snatch 70#/53#
      20 alternating weighted pistols 53#/35#
      25 calorie AD
    ---REST 6:00---
    for time:
      10 hang power cleans 205#/135#
      15 deficit (5") handstand push ups
      20 alternating db snatch 70#/50#
      25 goblet squats 70#/53#
      30 calorie AD
    ---REST 9:00---
    for time:
      15 hang power cleans 135#/105#
      20 strict handstand push ups (Regional standards)
      25 alternating kb snatch 53#/35#
      30 back squats 135#/95#
      35 calorie AD
Don't remember



Sunday, November 3, 2013

10/29 - 11/3

Tweaked my knee doing the squat/box jump intervals the week before this so decided on taking it easy on squats.  Was also feeling very tired tuesday so kind of went off on what I was supposed to do this week (sorry garry!).  Hopefully back on track this week.

10 Minute AMRAP @ 85%:
10 calorie Airdyne
3 Wall Walks
20 Double Unders

8 + 7

Rest 5 Minutes

10 Minute AMRAP @ 85%
5 SA KB Thrustr 55/35 right
5 SA KB Thrustr 55/35 left
5 CTB Pull Ups
10 Sit Ups

9 even

Alternating EMOTM 20 Minutes:
1st: 5 TNG Power Snatch 160lbs
2nd: 1 muscle up into 1 dip x 3 reps
Right into Alternating EMOTM 20 Minutes:
1st: 25 second FLR on rings
2nd: 6 HSPU Strict
Right into Alternating Every 30 seconds for 4 minutes (8 sets)
1st: 8 Toes to Bar
2nd: 8 KBS 55lb

A. Jerk 3x3 265, 275, 295 (1, felt my knee tweak again so shut it down)
EMOTM 12 Minutes:
14 Burpees to 6" Target
Complete, tough/
For time:
500m row, 10 overhead squats 145, 15 ghd sit ups
400m row,  8 overhead squats 145#/105#,  12 ghd sit ups
300m row,  6 overhead squats 145#/105#,  9 ghd sit ups
200m row,  4 overhead squats 145#/105#,  6 ghd sit up
100m row,  2 overhead squats 145#/105#,   3 ghd sit ups    
12:32, knee felt ok strangely...kept cracking but no sharp pain like on the last jerk. 

20 Minutes airdyne
30s 90-95%
30s walk
380 calories 
Right into 10 minute airdyne
30s 75%
30s walk
Finished the 30 minutes at 515 calories, took minute '21' off and just walked so only did 9 minutes easyish as a cool down.
OCTD wod 3
6 rds
Rest 2 minutes
2 Minute row for meters
Rest 2 Minutes
Jump Squats
Alternating KB Snatch 55
Rest 2 Minutes
2 Minute row for meters
EMOTM 20 Minutes
1st: 8 TNG Deadlift 265lb
2nd: 8 GHD Situps first 10 minutes 8 Toes to bar 2nd 10 minutes
(Broke my GHD somehow...)

5 sets:
500m Row @ 1:38
Rest 2 Minutes
250m Row @ 1:35
Rest 2 Minutes
A1. Press 1.1.1 rest 15 seconds rest 2 Minutes x 3 sets 205, 210, 212.5
A2. AMRAP Weighted CTB Pull Ups 55lb x 3 sets 6, 6, 7
B. EMOTM Alternating 12 minutes
1st: 5 TNG Power Clean 205
2nd: 10 calorie airdyne 7 pull ups