Thursday, February 20, 2014


4 sets:
5 wall walks
10 db man makers @ 30/hand - 1 push-up + 1 db row/arm + 1 squat clean thruster = 1 rep
15 ring rows
20 gh sit-ups
25 cals Airdyne
100 du's
4 min b/t sets
*mix and match work order per set
6:20 with 35lb DB's for mm
7:00 backwards order with 35lb DB's
6:58 for DU first then in order with 25lb DB's
7:19 for Airdyne first then in order with 25lb DB's

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


A. Back Squat @ 20X1, work to a tough set of 3 - only ONE tough set  385
B. Above Knee Hang Squat Snatch, work to a tough single  215
C. Above Knee Hang Squat Snatch, 3 reps @ 75% highest from B per min x 5 mins  165
D. touch n go Power Snatch, 6 reps @ 165lb per min x 5 mins Complete, went right into this after C so made it a 10 minute EMOTM...brutal...last set was close.

For time:
15 wall balls - 20#
10 power clean @ 155lb
15 wall balls - 20#
10 shoulder to overhead @ 155lb
15 wall balls - 20#
10 power clean @ 155lb
15 wall balls - 20#
3:46, unbroken besides last set of power clean.  4 TNG then 6 fast singles.  Didn't do a great warm up just some airdyne, no cleans so CNS wasn't prepped.  Could probably go slightly faster with a longer warm up.
rest as needed
20 min @ moderate effort:
2 burpee ring muscle-ups
15 cals Airdyne
15 + 2 burpee mups and 7 calories AD.  Felt great, could have maintained for a while.

A. Back Squat @ 20X1, work to a tough set of 3 - only ONE tough set  400lbs, pr
B. Squat Clean and Split Jerk, work to a moderate effort single  285
C. Squat Clean Thruster, 1 rep @ 225lb every 20 sec x 30 total reps  Complete as rx, 9:50
D. 6 fast hang power clean and overhead @ 165lb per min x 5 mins Unbroken, complete.

Today was weird.  Felt like ass going into the gym, tired/no motivation.  335 felt hard for 1 warming up but somehow hit a pr...and it wasn't that tough really.  Part C and D weren't as painful as I expected.  Painful, but not to the point that i was thinking it would be.  Did everything TRUE GRIP fiends.

AMRAP in 7 minutes:
Ring Muscle-ups - 1,3,5,7,9,etc.
Squat Snatch @ 135lb - 1,3,5,7,9,etc.
Through round of 9 + 3 Muscle Ups
rest as needed  15 Minutes rest
20 min @ moderate effort:
10 strict HSPU
10 kbs - 24kg
Toes to Bar Cluster, 10.5
10 kbs - 24kg
350m Row
4 + 55m Row (295m short of 5 rounds)...just realized it said 24kg KB..I used a 2pd (32kg)..woops

5 sets @ high effort:
15 deadlift @ 185lbs
15 burpees onto 24" box
15 db thrusters @ 45/hand
15 ring dips
30 cals Airdyne
90 sec b/t sets
*mix and match work order per set
4 Sets at high effort:
15 Power Clean 95
15 Burpee Box jumps 24"
10 db thrusters 35lb/hand
10 airdyne calories
rest 90 seconds 
2:58, 2:59, 3:08, 3:17
Felt tired/sluggish today.  Did not eat enough yesterday and the last 2 days caught up to me.  Shoulders/triceps/pecs extremely sore (especially pecs/shoulders) so changed it up a bit to save the CNS for Saturday.  Still a tough session...