Tuesday, April 30, 2013


for time:
30 DL 225
15 hspu
5 hpc 225
20 DL 225
15 hspu
10 hpc 225
10 DL 225
15 hspu
15 hpc 225
15:02...Grinder...no belt and lower back lit up.
Alternating EMOTM 20 Minutes:
Odd: 3 TNG Power Clean 225
Even: 4 EROM Strict HSPU
Alternating EMOTM 14 Minutes:
Odd: 30 sec A.D. 80%
Even: 8 Toes to bar
Alternating EMOTM 18 Minutes:
Odd: 5 TNG 315 Deadlift
Even: 6 GHD Sit Ups
Hands are pretty tender, cut my callouses last night and they always hurt for a few days after.  No belt for anything so lower back is a little tender but with TGU/Pistols + Row/MUP tomorrow shouldn't be a big deal.  

Monday, April 29, 2013


for time:
1km row
3:12.5 (6.4 sec pr)

10min rest

5 rounds on every 2min
3 heavy FS  275, 290x3, 300
15s AD Cals (100%)  10x4, 11

10min rest

EMOM x 4
15 burpees lateral over barbell  34, 34, 35, 33 seconds each set

Saturday, April 27, 2013


30 Minute Row:
15 Seconds 85%  1:38ish/500m
75 Seconds 60%  2:04ish/500m
1:59.8/500m avg, 7512m total.

Friday, April 26, 2013


A. Jefferson Curls 4 w/45lb Bar x 5 sets  Complete
B. Windmills with 45lb bar 5/arm x 3 sets  Complete
5 rounds ea for time, 3min rest b/w rounds:
20 pullups
30 pushups
40 situps
50 squats
Finished last set at 29:56 so 17:56 Total working time.  Have individual set times at the gym, will write down tonight.  Sets: 3:29, 3:27, 3:38, 3:38, 3:44.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


A. Turkish Get Ups 4, 3, 4, 3, 2 Unbroken/arm Rest 2 Minutes  55, 70, 55, 70, 88(1st time)
B. 1 Arm planks 25 second/arm, rest 15 secs b/t arms, rest 1 minute x 5 sets Complete in 1 arm Push Up position
30 Minute Airdyne:
30s 85%  1300-1500 cal/hr
90s 65% 750-850 cal/hr
466 calories total

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


A. Sotts Press 5x10 rest 2 minutes  45, 65, 75, 85, 95
B. EMOTM 5 minutes 10 second L hold on pull up bar  Complete
"Cindy" @ 85-90%
20 Minute AMRAP:
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Air Squats 
25 + 26 confirmed after watching vid.  Just kept it steady/unbroken the whole time.

Monday, April 22, 2013


30 Minute easy recovery run
Approx 3.65 miles done around corp center by gym


A. 5 sets FLR on rings 1 minute rest 1 minute  Complete
B. 5 sets 15 Back Extensions rest 30 seconds Complete

Saturday, April 20, 2013


A- High hang snatch x2, from blocks, EMOM x10  Complete @ 175
Vid: http://youtu.be/4M7ssMbvKyA
B- High hang clean x2, from blocks, EMOM x10  Complete @ 245
Vid:  http://youtu.be/uUDPAIo1FG4
C- OHS- 3 x3  185, 225, 245 did not feel good today
for time:
100 wall balls
75 pullups
50 thruster 105lbs
25 pullups
13:10, slow basically no warm up just right into it.  Shoulders were shot after wb.
Vid:  http://youtu.be/XSPXdvZuCFI

Friday, April 19, 2013


5 rounds, on 2min
25 AD Cals
20 yard OH lunge with 45lb OH
Complete, tough
vid: http://youtu.be/YmX504IBZOo 
+ rest 18 minutes
Airdyne to hell and back
10-20-30-40-50-40-30-20-10 cals with 1:1 work:rest ratio
Finished the last 10 calories at 15:25 (21 sec pr), including the "rest" from the last 10 i would have completed it at 15:38 (22 sec pr).  
Vid: http://youtu.be/kGzZ9bpq3Q0 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


A1- PC- 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 30s rest  265, 275,285, 295 (1), 305Fx2 (All tng)
A2- 20 alternating pistols, 3min rest  All Ub 35-45 seconds
B1- push press x10, 4 sets (go as heavy as possible), 15s rest  195, 205, 185x2
B2- 25 kipping pullups, UB, 3 min rest  ub, 22, 15/7, 15/5 so 11 total less than rxd.
for time and quality
40 ghd situps
50 ghd raises
50 ghd situps
For some reason woke up sore and super fatigued.  Wasn't expecting much in this session so actually extremely pleased with the PC weights.  If I was fresh I'm thinking I have 310+ in me.  When I first got this weeks training I thought i might be able to do 225 x 10 on PP but like i said, had nothing today.  Almost didn't complete 10 @ 205 so had to back it off.  First set of pull ups were fine, 2nd were tough but i blew up on the 3rd.  Mainly grip, left arm was having trouble holding on for w/e reason.  Def thinking something for tonight CBL wise, probably pizza.  May or may not get to the 2nd part tonight, gonna see how i feel.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


7min amrap 1-5 squat ladders, 275lb 2 Full ladders + set of 4 in the 3rd.
vid:  http://youtu.be/RIXonZ4lCks
+ 10 Minute rest
10 rounds for time:
10m handstand walk
5 UNBROKEN muscle ups
19:53, pretty stoked to get all mups unbroken.
vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t46651FA7DA 
+ 10 Minute rest
5 min amrap triple unders  58, all singles but only 1 trip.

Monday, April 15, 2013


For time:
30 kb snatch from ground 70lb/2pd, alternating
100m sprint
20 alt KB snatch
200m sprint
10 alt kb snatch
400m sprint
7:15 All unbroken

Saturday, April 13, 2013


A. Build to a tough snatch  240
240: http://youtu.be/ur93XPBCdHc
B. Take 80% of A and do 2 snatches + 20 Double Unders EMOTM 7 minutes Complete @ 190lbs, no misses.  Vid: http://youtu.be/NS4GXzRV4NQ
C. Take 12 Minutes to build to a tough Front Squat  345lb, very easy
345: http://youtu.be/5ehdGk2g-38
+ Rest 8 Minutes
For time:
50 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
50 Burpees
Vid:  http://youtu.be/BjYQ90GSU8s
+ Rest 5 Minutes
5 sets: 30 second airdyne @ 85% rest 3 minutes  17 cals x 4 sets, 19 on last set.  All mainly active recovery.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Part 1:
A1- Back Squat x5, 5 sets, 20s rest  315, 335, 345, 355, 365
365: http://youtu.be/Zd3NfLlCBsA
A2- 5 box jumps > 30", 2min rest, 5 sets  A little over 39" each set.
B- Hang squat clean x2, 3s pause at bottom; 3 sets, 2min rest  235, 255, 275
275:  http://youtu.be/2SrWag7tGns
C- for time: 150 abmat sit-ups  5:35
Part 2:
Airdyne to hell and back
10-20-30-40-50-40-30-20-10 cals with 1:1 work:rest ratio

Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Part 1:
alt EMOM x 40 min
1- cgbp bw (185lbs)- amrap OR max of 10 in a set  10x3, 9, 6, 7, 7, 6, 6, 5
2- 2  rope climbs  Complete (first 2 sets did 3)
3- 5 parallette HSPU  Complete but broken...last 3 sets only did 4. 
4- 10 GHD situps  Complete/unbroken
+ (10min rest)
10min handstand walk for distance  260ish ft.

Part 2:
A. 5 x 500m Row @ 1:38ish pace rest 3 minutes  1:37, 1:36.9, 1:36.9, 1:37.9, 1:39.2
B. Powell raises 9/arm rest 1 minute x 3 sets  complete
C. DB Rows 55lb 6/arm Rest 1 Minute complete
D. 12 Unbroken TTB rest 1 minute x 5 sets Complete

EMOTM was harder than expected, got a good sweat going.  Did paralette HSPU on 2x55lb KB's so about 11" of EROM.  HS walks felt more controlled than usual but had trouble going more than 10 ft at a time.  Shoulders were pretty fried at that point.

Monday, April 8, 2013


10 rounds, on 2min
5 kb snatch 2pd R
5 kb snatch 2pd L
20 AD Cals

Complete, everything UB.  Slowest sets were right around 1:30.  Still sick but the 2pd felt like a toy today, grip became a small factor in last few sets on left hand.  Debating getting some anti-biotics from the dr today to help this junk clear up.

Sunday, April 7, 2013


13.5 "Endless Fran"
4 Minute AMRAP:
15 Thrusters 100lbs
15 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
*If you complete 3 rounds in 4 minutes workout extends another 4 minutes.  This continues for as long as you can complete 3 rounds in 4 minutes*
4 + 29 (149 reps)
Vid (Cuts off around 4:30): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KDk_c6PvDR0

Felt great 4/5 during my morning session but when i got home I started to get a sore throat.  Loaded up on meds but throat just got worse as the day went on.  Went to bed around 11 PM and woke up at 2:30 AM with a cold sweat/bad congestion/sore throat and threw up.  Didn't fall back asleep till about 5 and then woke up at 7 and couldn't fall back asleep.  Wasn't sure what to do but ended up sucking it up and getting it done...super happy with results for being super sick.  It's sunday now (4/7) and I still don't feel well but i'm about to drug myself with meds and nap till 4 where I will see if I need to redo this or not...I'm praying I don't.

Friday, April 5, 2013


A. 10 Minutes to build to a tough 3 rep thruster.  135, 185, 205, 235, 260
260: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxiySJLktxc
B. 3x3 Front squat 80% rest 2 minutes  295, 305, 305
C. 3x3 weighted pull ups 80% rest 2 minutes  55, 70, 70
D. Airdyne 15 sec @ 90% rest 2 min  16, 16, 15 cals
E. 300 second FLR on rings  Completed in 5:35

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


A- build to a heavy snatch  215, no pop today
B- Front squat- 3, 3, 2, 2  285, 305, 315, 335*
C- press- 5, 4, 3  175, 175, 185
for time:
20 DL 225
40 AD Cals
20 DL 225

*Tweaked my left hamstring on the 335x2 so called it there instead of doing the last set.  Doesn't seem serious but was a sharp pain on the inside of my leg during certain motions.  Time to rest up for fri/sat.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Part 1:
8 x 300m (1:40ish pace), 2 min rest  1:35.8/1:35.8/1:36.0/1:35.8/1:35.9/1:35.7/1:35.5/1:35.8 paces
25 back extensions x 4 sets rest 45 seconds  ub/complete

Part 2:
30s AD 85%  205 total calories
30s amrap strict pullups (1 unbroken set)  102 total pull ups

Monday, April 1, 2013


alt emom x 20min
1- squat clean TNG 185 x5  Unbroken/true grip
2- 10 HR pushups  Unbroken
Vid: http://youtu.be/yboMgZA8raY
+ Rest 16 Minutes
Fran at 85-90%  2:34 Unbroken
Vid:  http://youtu.be/KwWmQPZ5CIw