Tuesday, May 28, 2013


A. Build to a tough-ish 3 rep OHS from floor  245
B. Alternating EMOTM 10 minutes:
1st: 3 KB snatch/arm 70lb kb
2nd: 6 box jump 30"
C. 10 Min airdyne:
30 seconds 85%
30 seconds 50%
166 cals

Saturday, May 25, 2013


A- build to a heavy squat clean  285, off today
alt emom x 10 rounds
1- 4 sc 225
2- 2 rope climbs
3 Rounds for time
25 wall balls 30lb
20 pistols


for time:
100 DU
30 wallball 30lb
100 DU
30 Thrusters 75lb
100 DU
30 pistols
100 DU
30 C2B pu
100 DU
30 KB snatch 70lb (alternating from ground)

row 30s 95% x8, 2min rest
172, 170, 172, 174, 173, 174, 173, 174 meters

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


A- OHS- x3 from ground, 5 sets; 2min rest  185, 215, 235, 255X, 255 (depth is close..)
B- Pronated weighted pullups- 3 x3, 2min rest  88, 103, 113
alt emom x 5 sets
1- 315lb DL x8
2- HSPU x10
Complete, unbroken.  Lat is still hurting a ton when deadlifting.
13 Minute EMOTM:
4 Bounding Box Jumps 30"
Complete, still need to work on bounding.  

500m row
10 front rack lunges 185lb
5 s2o 185lb
10:33 bar taken from ground.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013


12min AMRAP
10 thrusters 75lb
20 pistols alternating
40 DU
5 + 18
12min AMRAP
10 c2b pullups
10 KB snatch 70lbs (alternating from ground)
10 BJ 30"
5 + 16

Monday, May 20, 2013


Airdyne 30 Minutes at easy-ish pace
506 calories/10.3 miles
10x10 GHD sit ups at easy pace
Took about 10 minutes to complete

Alternating EMOTM 20 Minutes:
1st: 3 burpee mups
2nd: 10 wallball 30lb
Complete unbroken/easy 

Literally ate almost no food yesterday.  The only thing i ate all day/night was a hamburger and a few boneless wings from BWW.  Even skipped out on the fries.  Also drank approximately 18 Ounces of Rum in about an hour.  Obviously after what transpired yesterday I decided to take today easy.  Will make up for this by going tues/weds and fri/sat/sun this week.

Saturday, May 18, 2013


A. Overhead squat from rack 3x3  225, 245 (not low enough), 255 (probably a 3rm)
225:  http://youtu.be/4FHidSUcR_s
255: http://youtu.be/T8DGhW5URlU
B. EMOTM 6 minutes:
    5 Burpee Muscle ups to 88" Rings
    Complete, last minute was close, finished at 5:55...only rested 3 minutes after last OHS set.
Vid: http://youtu.be/QFCCSqbuqnE  
+ Rest 20 Minutes
For time:
80 Calorie airdyne
40 Thruster 45lb
20 Box Jumps 30"
6:28, Finished airdyne around 3:38, thrusters around 5:01, box jumps were slow..legs were heavy.
vid:  http://youtu.be/vY3hlAzXqy8

Alternating EMOTM 20 Minutes
1st: 2 Rope Climbs 
2nd: 3 Lunges/leg 165lbs in Front Rack
Complete/unbroken....tweaked right glute (didn't feel till after) but most likely resting tomorrow so should be good.  

Wednesday, May 15, 2013


for time:
100 KB snatches 2pd (Alternating, from ground)
11:22...had 50 @ 3:50 and back just lit up on the eccentric portion.  Still messed up from DL's last thursday. 
+ Rest 15 minutes
for time:
100 pistols 
5:08 unbroken and steady
+ Rest 15 Minutes
alt EMOM x 10min
1- 5 DL 375lb
2- 5 BJ 36"
Complete/unbroken, not as bad as expected
+ Rest 15 Minute
build to a heavy c2b pullup

Tuesday, May 14, 2013


double Jackie with a twist
2 rounds for time
1000m row
25 ohs 135lb
15 Burpee muscle-ups
19:43, 1st round in 9:40 2nd round in 10:03
Vid:  http://youtu.be/2GYSH_Jj1Bo

5 sets:
20 Unbroken Wallball 30lb
10 Back Squat 225 afap
Rest 3 Minutes
Total set times: 1:13, 1:15, 1:18, 1:24, 1:19
1st set:  http://youtu.be/T7I1fgHRhSY
5th set:  http://youtu.be/TSLHQazCGTM

Monday, May 13, 2013


7min AMRAP
7 hspu
14 jump switch lunges
+ rest 5 minutes
7min AMRAP
7 t2b
7 s2o 165lb
+ rest 8 minutes
7min AMRAP
2 rope climbs
2 sc 225
20 DU
4 + 2
vid: http://youtu.be/6XvlXzjz-l4 

Saturday, May 11, 2013


Alternating EMOTM 20 Min:
1st: 7 KBS 2.5pd (88lb)
2nd: 7 Box Jumps 30"
5 Sets:
20 WallBall 30lb
20 Pistols
20 cals airdyne
Rest 3 minutes
2:30, 2:30, 2:26, 2:28, 2:35

Friday, May 10, 2013


Alternating EMOTM 20:
1st: 4 Squat Clean 225
2nd: 2 Rope Climbs
First 10 minutes as rxd, next 8 minutes did half (2 clean/1 climb) last 2 minutes as rxd.
+ Rest 10 Minutes
Alternating EMOTM 20:
1st: 3 Burpee muscle ups
2nd: 10 pistols
Unbroken and very easy
+ Right into
For time:
10 Burpee Muscle Ups (85ish" Rings)

20 Minutes amrap @ 85%:
500m Row
7 + 190m...back was lighting up again, that thing is sore.  All HSPU sets unbroken.

Notes:  Still super sore from mon-weds.  Lower back LIT UP during first emotm.  Loosened back up during 2nd emotm but still super sore.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013


6 sets: 4 min rest
5 DL Heavy tng  415(no belt), 425, 385, 395, 405, 365
5 burpee broad jumps  unbroken-ish
15s AD Cals 100%  8 calories each time

Tuesday, May 7, 2013


alt EMOM x 40min
1- 5 tng High hang Squat Clean 60% 1RM (185lbs)
2- 4 MU
3- 3 high hang PS 145lbs
4- 2  rope climbs

Complete, everything unbroken and TNG.  

I cannot explain how sore I am from yesterday.  While warming up i failed my first squat clean at 135lbs.  I don't think i've ever felt so worn out.  It's a miracle i somehow got through training today.  It hurt, badly.  Since last tuesdays EMOTMS i've had a nagging pain in my left lat, particularly when lifting anything from the ground and keeping my back tight.  That + how worn out I am will make tomorrows deadlift intervals very interesting. 

Monday, May 6, 2013


Part 1:
A- Jerk Balance- x2, 5 sets; 90s rest  135, 155, 175, 195, 225
195: http://youtu.be/lvP1E67C9qw
225: http://youtu.be/qr8VyHJtas0
B- Squat 20/ 10/ 10, rest 60s b/w sets- try to complete set of 20 within 80s  315 (1:50 to complete), 
295 (7, belt came off and shut that set down), 295
315:  http://youtu.be/n-ps1ghQ_3Q
last set @ 295:   http://youtu.be/915ZeP1DZak
C- Accumulate 120s L-sit  4:20 to complete
D- 10 minute amrap @ 70%:
      200m Row
      5 E-ROM HSPU (on 2 45lb rogue bumpers)
      6 + 180m, all hspu unbroken/easy

Part 2:
10 HPC 225lb
20 pistols
30 triple unders

Saturday, May 4, 2013


part 1
5km row
every 2min, perform 10 burpees
27:58...130 burpees and 5k row.  Brutal.  About 12 hour turnaround from part 2 last night.

part 2
A- press- 5, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2min  195, 205, 215, 225, 230X
195:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyAgWzTLsNI
205:  http://youtu.be/Y_ufjnjpEfI
B- push jerk, 3, 3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2min 225, 245, 255, 275, 285, 305X
C- Split jerk- 1, 1, 2min  285, 295
D- snatch balance- 2, 2, 2, 2min 135x3

part 3
for time:
3 rounds:
30 AD Cals
30 wallballs
6:39 all ub except 2nd set WB 22/8

Friday, May 3, 2013


Part 1:
25min run
10 min (10 rounds)
30s 85%
30s 50%
9 min (6 rounds)
30s 90%
60s 50%
6 min (3 rounds)
30s 95%
90s 50%
Complete, no idea on paces but completed 1 mile @ approx 6:58, 2nd mile time approx 7:15 and had 3 miles complete @ approx 21:46.  At 25 mins I had covered approximately 3.5 miles.
Rest 10 Minutes
300s FLR on Rings
Complete in 5:30, first 2:45 unbroken then few second breaks here and there.

part 2
A- build to a heavy CJ  305, 315X (PR clean failed jerk)
315: http://youtu.be/5vM0kTM6SQE
B- CJ 85% of A x 5min amrap  10 @ 265lbs, 1 miss.
C- build to a heavy snatch  225
225: http://youtu.be/HPsZIcq8Grk
D- snatch 85% of C x5min amrap  20 @ 190lbs
vid: http://youtu.be/HlbrB3Zwhjc

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


20 min AMRAP:
2 TGU/arm, 2pd
10 pistols/leg 
9 + 2 TGU right arm

every 90s x 15 rounds:
100m row  17.6-18.6 seconds
3 MU  All sets unbroken