Saturday, October 25, 2014


A. Snatch Balance; 3-5 reps; Rest as needed; Acumulate 40 reps; SPEED< SPEED< SPEED!
B. Snatch Grip DL; 3 Position work; 6-8 reps; Rest as needed X5 sets
C. High Hang Snatch Clusters; 1.1.1; Rest 20sec/3min X4 sets
D1. Hollow Body Rocks; 40 Unbroken Sec; Rest 30 sec
D2. Arch Body Holds; 40 unbroken Sec; Rest 90sec X4 sets
3 Rounds for time:
20 Push Press@115#
Row 15 cals
Rest 10min
3 rounds for time:
20 Ring dips
10 Burpees
A. Worked up to 175; then went back down to 125 and worked back up to 145.
B. 95lbs, worked the 3rd position specifically; still needs some work.  Grip played part a part as well, was true gripping.  Have trouble doing hook grip on snatches for multiple reps.
C. 155, 175, 185, 200 (f).  No pop on 200, but i know i can do it.
D1. 20-23 hollow rocks eachset
D2. unbroken each set

5:16 - Push Press went 16/4; 10;6;4, 7/6/4/3 Row was 1200-1500 cal/hr each set

4:31 - I was starting round 3 at 2:36 but had nothing left for the dips.  Had to go to doubles and singles at the end.  Chest was giving out even on the burpees, haven't felt like that in a long time muscular wise.  Breathing was fine but pushing was completely done after 2 sets, have a feeling i will be very sore the next few days.

Food today:

9AM Smoothie

1:30 PM Protein shake

3:30 PM Chipotle - douible rice double chicken and guacamole

8:00 PM protein shake + 2 slices of pizza from estes

10 PM Smash burger double big beehive burger w/sweet potatoe fries...we will see if i can eat/finish this but have it ready to go.

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