Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Last weekend


OCTD Wod 1:
14 minute amrap:
10 HR Burpee
15 HR Deadlift 165
20 WB
5 + 4 Deadlifts

Rest 45 Minutes

5 Rounds for time:
5 Box Jumps 40ish"
10 KB Snatch Right 55lb
10 KB Snatch Left 55lb
30 Double Unders

3 Rounds for time:
350m Row
10 C&J 185


45 Minute easy Airdyne, get off every 3 minutes and perform
6 Ring Push Ups
8 GHD Sit Ups
10 Delt Raises with 15lb Plates

EMOTM Alternating 20 Minutes:
1st: 2 Back Squat 360lbs in flats/no belt
2nd: 8 Strict Pull Ups
Complete, first 4 rounds did 9 strict pull ups, everything unbroken
3 Sets:
3 Push Press - Heavy
rest 10 seconds
10 HSPU - Strict
rest 10 seconds
5 second airdyne sprint for max output
Rest 3 Minutes
245, 255, 275(1 but 16 HSPU) No belt 
3 Rounds for time:
10 KBS 88#
10 Toes to bar
2:29 all unbroken but last set of ttb 6/4

Tuesday, October 8, 2013


Training as much as I can these days.  After doing fitober and not catching up on my sleep from the previous week I was exhausted so I took some time off.  I did have some Pr's I'd like to note though.

1RM Jerk: 320lbs

1RM Power Snatch: 220lbs

Airdyne to hell: 7:39 when I finished 10 calories, 7:52 including the 13 second 1:1 rest from the 10 seconds.  This is almost a 60 second PR.